2008年8月19日 星期二

HP iPAQ 600 Series Business Navigator - Resetting Your Device


iPAQ 612c hard reset 的方法有兩種如下:




A soft reset restarts your HP iPAQ. All information stored in the RAM will be lost.

A hard reset or factory reset clears all user-installed settings, programs, data, and restores your HP iPAQ to factory settings.

Performing a soft reset

Save all your data before a soft reset.

To perform a soft reset, press the reset button located on the bottom of the HP iPAQ with the stylus.

Figure 1: Soft reset


Performing a factory reset

Save all the important programs and files in the iPAQ File Store folder before you factory reset the HP iPAQ.

Before saving files to the iPAQ File Store folder, it is a good idea to determine how much memory is available in the folder.

Step one: Checking memory availability in iPAQ File Store folder

Follow these steps to view the memory available in iPAQ File Store folder.

  1. Tap Start > Settings > System > Memory > Storage Card .

  2. Select iPAQ File Store from the list.

Step two: Saving files and programs in iPAQ File Store folder

Follow these steps to save files to iPAQ File Store folder.

  1. Select the files to be copied.

  2. Tap and hold the selected files and then tap Copy .

  3. Tap Start > Programs > File Explorer > iPAQ File Store .

  4. Tap Menu > Edit > Paste .

CAUTION: iPAQ File Store might contain a special folder called hp to store system files. Do not save new files or modify existing files in this hp folder.

Follow either of the two methods to perform a factory reset.

Method one

  1. Press the power button to turn off the HP iPAQ.

  2. Press and hold the Voice Commander button on the left panel of your HP iPAQ and the power button at the same time.

  3. Hold the buttons for 2 seconds and hit the soft reset button at the bottom of the HP iPAQ.

  4. A Clean Boot message displays, indicating successful restoration of factory settings on your HP iPAQ.

Method two

  1. Make sure the HP iPAQ is turned on.

  2. Tap Start > Settings > System .

  3. Tap the Factory Recovery icon.

    Figure 2: Factory Recovery icon

  4. Type 1234 in the box using the on-screen keyboard.

    Figure 3: Typing factory settings recovery code

  5. Tap YES .

The HP iPAQ returns to the factory state.

HP iPAQ 612c Business Navigator - Unable to Record Using the Record Icon

HP iPAQ 612c 的使用者有發現嗎 ?



The Record icon on the HP iPAQ 612c Business Navigator does not respond when users tap Start > Programs > Record on the device. However, voices can be recorded using the Voice Commander button located on the left-top part of the device. This occurs only in the Chinese Traditional SKUs ( FA991AA#AB0 and FA991AA#AB5 ). This is a Microsoft design issue.

Figure 1: Record icon


If the Record icon does not function, the following methods can be used.

Method 1: Using Voice Commander

  1. Long press the Voice Commander button located on the left-top part of the device.

  2. Release the button to stop the recording.

Method 2: Using Voice Notes

  1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes .

  2. Create a note and tap the record icon.

  3. Tap the stop icon to stop the recording.


我是長按左側 VoiceCMD 的按鈕即可錄音


2008年8月18日 星期一




程式可在 這個網頁 找到 或是直接到 這裡 取得。


Fiddler 的用途非常的廣泛

我以查詢 台灣自由時報週末版 的圖片原始位置來做範例:



我寫了個小程式方便瀏覽及用 iSiloX 製作電子書


  1. <?
  2. header('Content-type:text/html; charset=big5');
  3. $issue = $_GET['issue'];
  4. if($issue){
  5. $year = substr($issue,0,4);
  6. $m = (substr($issue,4,2)+1);
  7. $d = substr($issue,6,2);
  8. $day = date("j", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0,$d,0));
  9. $month = date("M",mktime(0, 0, 0,$m,0,0));
  10. $month = strtolower($month);
  11. //echo $day.$month;
  12. $content = 'http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/'.$year.'/new/'.$month.'/'.$day.'/';
  13. }else{
  14. $url = 'http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/menu2.js';
  15. $content = file_get_contents($url);
  16. $content = preg_replace('/(.*?)path = \"(.*?)\"(.*)/s',"http://www.libertytimes.com.tw$2",$content);
  17. }
  18. $weekly = @file_get_contents($content.'weekly.htm');
  19. preg_match('/<td style=\"font-size:14px\">(.*?)<\/td>/s',$weekly,$matches);
  21. $out = "<title>生活週報</title><img src=http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/images/img_auto/005/Weekend.gif><br><b>$matches[1]</b><hr>\r\n";
  22. if (!$weekly){
  23.     $out .= "<b>今日週末版未出刊!</b>\r\n";
  24. }else{
  25. for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++){
  26.     if (($i == "4")||($i == "8")){$i = $i+1;}
  27.     $link = $content."images/w".$i.".jpg";
  28.     $blink = $content."images/w".$i."b.jpg";
  29.     $out .= "<a href=$blink><img src=$link border=0 ></a><br>\r\n";
  30. }
  31. }
  32. $out .="<hr><img src=http://static.flickr.com/60/219160214_e6ed15d559_o.gif>";
  33. echo $out;
  34. ?>




演示: http://never4get.net78.net/ltw/ltweekly.php?issue=20080817


至於其他如 MagV 網站的內容也可比照上法查詢。

2008年8月12日 星期二

Time php v 1.1

Time 雜誌網頁 格式有少許更動
內定 time.php 為 U.S. edition

time.php?edition=asia  為亞洲版


  1. <?
  2.     header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');
  3.     $edtion = $_GET['edition'];
  4.     $link = "http://www.time.com/time/magazine";
  5.     $dirlink = dirname($link);
  6.     $mylogo = "<img src=http://static.flickr.com/60/219160214_e6ed15d559_o.gif> <br>\r\n<font size=\"2\">time.php v1.1</font>";
  7.     $content = file_get_contents($link);
  8.     preg_match('/<!-- toc_masterhed -->(.*?)<\/ul>/s',$content,$edt);
  9.     $edition = $edt[1];
  10.     preg_match_all('/img src=\"(.*?)jpg/s',$edition,$cv);
  11.     preg_match_all('/<a href=\"(.*?)\"/s',$edition,$el);
  12.     $uscover = $cv[1][0].'jpg';
  13.     $asiacover = $cv[1][2].'jpg';
  14.     $uslink = $link;
  15.     $asialink = $el[1][1];
  16.     $link = $uslink;
  17.     $cover = $uscover;
  18.     if ($edtion == 'asia'){
  19.         $link = $dirlink.'/..'.$asialink;
  20.         $cover = $asiacover;
  21.     }
  22.     $content = file_get_contents($link);
  23.     preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\/title>/is",$content,$head);
  24.     $line = $head[0];
  25.     $line .= "<b>$head[1]</b><br><img src=$cover>\r\n<hr>\r\n";
  26.     preg_match_all("/<div class=\"toc_seched\">(.*?)<\/div></is",$content,$matches);
  27.     $z = count($matches[0]);
  28.     for ($i=0;$i<$z;$i++){
  29.         $area = $matches[0][$i];
  30.         preg_match("/<div class=\"toc_seched\">(.*?)<\/div>/is",$area,$h);
  31.         $line .= "<br>\r\n<b><font color=red>$h[1]</font></b><br>\r\n<ul>\r\n";
  32.         preg_match_all("/<a class=(.*?)<br \/>/is",$area,$t);
  33.             for ($j=0;$j<count($t[0]);$j++){
  34.                 $title = $t[0][$j];
  35.                 $title = eregi_replace("<br />","",$title);
  36.                 $title = eregi_replace('/time/','time_view.php?link=http://www.time.com/time/',$title);
  37.                 $line .= "<li>$title</li>\r\n";
  38.             }
  39.             $line .= "</ul><br>\r\n";
  40.     }
  41.     $line .= "<hr>\r\n$mylogo";
  42.     echo $line;
  43. ?>


  1. <?
  2.     header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');
  3.     $link = $_GET['link'];
  4.     $mylogo = "<img src=http://static.flickr.com/60/219160214_e6ed15d559_o.gif> <br>\n<font size=\"2\">time.php v1.1</font>";
  5.     $content = file_get_contents($link);
  6.     preg_match("/<head>(.*?)<\/head>/is",$content,$css);
  7.     preg_match("/<!-- Begin Tout1 -->(.*)<!-- End Tout1 -->/is",$content,$pix);
  8.     preg_match("/<div class=\'print\'><a href=\'(.*?)\'/is",$content,$nl);
  9.     preg_match("/<div class=\"print\"><a href=\"(.*?)\"/is",$content,$nl2);
  10.     if ($nl[1]||$nl2[1]){
  11.         $newlink = $nl[1];
  12.         $newlink .= $nl2[1];
  13.         $newlink = 'http://www.time.com/'.$newlink;
  14.         $newlink = eregi_replace('"',"",$newlink);
  15.         $content = file_get_contents($newlink);
  16.     }
  17.     preg_match("/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/is",$content,$t);
  18.     $title = $t[0];
  19.     $title = eregi_replace("printout","",$title);
  20.     preg_match("/<!-- Begin Tout1 -->(.*?)<!-- Begin Buttons -->/is",$content,$a);
  21.     $area = $a[1];
  22.     $line = $title."\r\n";
  23.     $line .= $area;
  24.     $allowed_tags = "<b>,<p>,<div>,<h1>,<span>,<title>,<br>,<hr>,<img>,<font>";
  25.     $line = strip_tags($line, $allowed_tags);
  26.     $line .=$pix[0];
  27.     $line = preg_replace('/<div id=\"copy\">(.*?)<\/span>/s','',$line);
  28.     $line = preg_replace('/<div class=\"enlarge\">(.*?)<\/div>/s','',$line);
  29.     $line = preg_replace('/<a id=\"enlargeImg\"(.*?)>/s','',$line);
  30.     $line = eregi_replace('a_','',$line);
  31.     $line = preg_replace('/width=(.*?)\//s','/',$line);
  32.     $line .= "<hr>\r\n$mylogo";
  33.     echo $line;
  34. ?>

Webmaster Tools - Advanced


U.S. edition 演示

Asia edition 演示

Garmin Mobile XT for WindowsMobile V4.20.50w 無法安裝

自從我把我的手機 hp iPAQ 612c hard reset

重新安裝 Garmin mobile xt 後




我查過 error log


有人說 hard reset 後再重新安裝一次

也有人說把 sms 簡訊全部刪除就可解決


2008年8月7日 星期四

PDA4X 無法進入

自8月6日晚上起就無法造訪 pda4x
是在 notfaker 兄首度破解了 Garmin Mobile 10 時
造成 server 不堪負荷


$version = '"20111217"';

2008年8月4日 星期一

Advanced Syntax Highlighting



這篇文章有詢問如何能貼出 php 代碼於網誌中


Advanced Syntax Highlighting


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